Thursday, September 20, 2012

Learning exercises bodybuilding in the right way

First: the muscles of the chest
1 - punch level
Lie on your back in a level
Keeping the bar wide chest
Lifting of the arms on the entire hinterland and pressing down with chest touching Bar
Capture bar full fingers
Bearing in mind that makes farmers a right angle with the body
The crank angle with the body
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
2 - Higher punch or italic
Lie on your back in a diagonal position to Top
Keeping the bar wide chest
Lifting of the arms on the entire hinterland and down with pressure contact with the upper chest Bar
Capture bar full fingers
Bearing in mind that makes farmers a right angle with the body
The crank angle with the body
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
3 - inverted punch
This exercise is not basic exercises, but very useful for the work of the shape and determine the chest muscle
Lie on a bench chest Leaning down
Bar constipation wide chest, bearing in mind that the upper arm to the outside
Farmers to make a right angle with the body, and crank angle with the body
Taking into account the lack of lift feet above the seat chest to maintain poise
Please do not a lot of this exercise to no pressure on the eye and after each group advised roaming for 30 seconds in place
Number of Groups 3
Each group 10 keystrokes
4 - assembled Baldambalz {{
Lie on a bench chest
Constipation Baldambalz bearing in mind that the upper arm to the outside
Farmers to make a right angle with the body, and crank angle with the body
Taking into account the lack of lift feet above the seat chest to maintain poise
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
5 - assembly high Baldmbalz {{
Lie on your back on a bench chest Leaning up
Constipation Baldambalz with taking into account that the hand Alibd inside
- To make the arm angle with the body, and crank angle with the arm
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
6 - Brightening Baldmbalz} {level
Lie on your back on a bench chest level
Constipation Baldambalz wide chest
To make the arm angle with the body, and forearm obtuse angle with the arm
And that the palm of the hand to the inside when you raise your arms back and forth at the end of the exercise
Slight flexion in the elbow joint
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
7 - Brightening high Baldambalz} {

Lie on your back on a bench chest Leaning up
Constipation Baldambalz wide chest
Farmers to make a right angle with the body, and forearm obtuse angle with farmers
And be hand inside
Slight flexion in the elbow joint
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
8 - Dambalz Ofer
Lie on your back in a level
Keeping weight (Aldambalz)
Lifting the arms imam then descend back down the head
Taking into account the bend in the elbow joint
This I finished explaining basic exercises for chest muscle
Each object of the training program appropriate for him

Secondly - the shoulder muscles
1 - rear bar
Lower the bar to the level of your shoulders, and then bump up to the top as shown in pictures
Mullah moments
You should make the distance between your hands wide and you must play Straighten your back
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
2 - the front bar
Using a Smith (Smith Machine)
Lift Smith to the top of the bar as shown in pictures
Should be back on his honesty when you pay to keep the spine and avoid glides cartilaginous
Taking into account the distance and fairly wide range between fists hand.
You can use any seat provided that the angle Missned
{70 - 90} degrees.
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
3 - side assembly
After sitting on the bench based on Bahme shoulder muscle
Hold Aldambalz the Start Payment from the bottom to the top as shown on the picture
- Should be back on his honesty when you pay to keep the spine and avoid glides cartilaginous
- You can use any seat provided that the angle Missned
(70 - 90) degrees
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
4 - Front assembly
Maintenance of your Aldambalz from the upper chest area and lift them to the top of the
This exercise is one of the best exercises front assembly, where he helps shape the front muscle
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
5 - flap Side
Proper maintenance of your pregnancy weight and then lift the load to the top until it reaches the level of the top of the ear
Must make the muscle feel pregnancy when Dawning and get off any you must Baltkirz in exercise performance
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
6 - Front flap
Do holding suitable Loads in weight and then lift the load to even higher up to the level of authorization
Must make the muscle feel pregnancy when Dawning and get off any you must Baltkirz in exercise performance
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
8 - rear flap curve} {
Bail your head on one of the devices (seat punch, for example) and make your back straight and parallel to the floor and then raise (Dambalz) from the bottom
An even higher level of your ears
Exercise may be hard for beginners to very novice may not be able raise more than four kilograms of Loads but this exercise
Depends on the movement of sound, not weight
Be careful that the elbow pointing forward as much as possible
So that it is far from the waist
Groups 4
Each group 10 keystrokes
9 - Bolts
I start Hold a free bar put it appropriate Ozank, and as shown on the picture, the highest bar to the level of the neck
Note that the image no small distance between the fists
Bolts muscle in this exercise involved a large proportion in the performance of this exercise
Groups 4
Each group 10 رفعات
Thirdly - back muscles
1 - draw back
Sitting on a lat (Higher attractions)
Caught on the arm of the machine wide grip
Attract the arms down toward the back (behind the head)
With a steadfast commitment during exercise
4 groups
Each group 10 keystrokes
2 - front-wheel drive
Sitting on a lat (Higher attractions)
Caught on the arm of the machine wide grip
Attract the arms down in the direction of Sadr taking into account the combined arms dissuade down
4 groups
Each group 10 keystrokes
3 - bar curve
It is one of the strong exercises broad back muscles, but to be the correct performance of this exercise to avoid injury
Stand wide pelvis, with the arrest of the bar wide chest
Mel trunk down with concavity in the lower back and slight flexion at the knees
The arm to the top attractions in the direction of the bottom of the chest
Stability back while doing the exercise to avoid injury
4 groups
Each group 10 keystrokes
4 - T device} Trmbh {
The liver Yale starters bar curve where it is easier to use
Stand wide basin on a character device (T) bar
Mel trunk down with concavity in the lower back and slight flexion at the knees
Attract the arms to the top in the direction of the chest
Stability back while doing the exercise
4 groups
Each group 10 keystrokes
5 - pull curve {Mjns {
And is one of the most important exercises to form muscles Almjns and Almnharih
Put the body in a horizontal position with straightening the right foot on the seat level, with a slight concavity lower back
Pivot the left hand on the bench with attractions to the top of the right hand in the chest alignment with the inclusion of the elbow hand inside
With drape mild knee flexion
4 groups
Each group 10 keystrokes
6 - Cloud Ground
Sitting on the ground clouds, with the capture device arm tight fist, palm out
Concavity in the lower back and slight flexion at the knees
Baldhirain attractions in the direction of the bottom of the chest
Stability back while doing the exercise
Pull a strong focus on weight back muscles
Left arm takes maximum Asitalh while referencing wt
4 groups
Each group 10 keystrokes
7 - Cotton
This muscle is one of the most important muscle in the back has to be taken care of Ahan neglected because many of the problems and back pain
Stand opened with the arrest of the bar higher shoulders wide chest
Drape and the tendency of the body forward and down and return to the primary mode
To be cautious in the weights and the use of appropriate weight in the exercise to avoid injury
5 groups
Each group 12 several
Stand opened on a Smith machine, with the arrest of the bar wide chest
Drape and the tendency of the trunk forward and down and back to the primary mode, with a slight flexion in the knee joint
5 groups
Each group 12 several
Fourthly - leg muscles and thighs
Is one of the most important exercises the muscles of the thighs
1 - bar two rear
Stand wide pelvis and shoulder caught the bar higher
Drape and extending the knee joint to reach a squatting position
Stability of the trunk while doing the exercise
To look forward
Not to raise (ankle) during exercise
Down quietly while maintaining the integrity of laid back to avoid injury
6 sets
Each group 12 pressure
2 - bar two men Emami
Stand wide pelvis and keeping the bar upper chest and arms clutching Bar
Drape and extending the knee joint to reach a squatting position
Stability of the trunk while doing the exercise
To look forward
Not to raise (ankle) during exercise
6 sets
Each group 12 pressure
3 - a} hack {Lower Payment
Lying under a pressure legs
Drape and extending the knee joint to reach to the maximum Asitalh to thigh muscle
Stability of the trunk while doing the exercise
Not to raise (ankle) during exercise
Subject change combs foot mode to suit the player
4 groups
Each group 12 pressure
4 - two men Front
Sitting on a (payment to the highest (
Drape and extending the knee joint as shown on the picture
Full focus and get off slowly while doing the exercise
4 groups
Each group 12 several
5 - two men behind me
Lie down on your back muscle
Drape and extending the knee joint
The stability of the body during exercise performance
4 groups
Each group 12 several
6 - Calf
Small but significant muscle There are a lot of exercises, but I would recommend only Pettmrainen
Stand wide basin, and build foot Bomchat in the starting position, with the arrest of the bar higher shoulders wide chest
Drape extending the ankle joint constantly with combs foot lift to the top of the fulcrum on the ankles
Taking care not to bend knee articular
6 sets
Each group 12 several
Fifth: - arm muscles
First - muscles Albaacepc
1 - the bar and standing
Stand wide pelvis
Keeping the bar in front of the thighs and palm of the hand to the outside
Raise the forearms to the top along the shoulder, taking into account the stability of arms both sides of the body
This exercise of muscle mass building exercises
Much emphasis should be while doing the exercise
- The stability of the body and not oscillate Bar
4 groups
Each group 10 times
2 - exchange Baldambalz
Sitting or standing wide pelvis
Aldambalz by side keeping the thighs and palm of the hand to the outside and higher
Raise the forearms to the top along the shoulder, taking into account the stability of the arms beside the body
This exercise of muscle mass building exercises
Must be a strong focus and consistency while doing the exercise
Groups 4
Each group 10 Aadat
3 - fulcrum Baldambalz
Sitting on a bench horse (Alhors) with bearings Baledd seat
Keeping Aldambalz and palm outside the Top
Drape extending arm regularly
Groups 4
Each group 10 Aadat
4 - fulcrum Bar tight
Sitting on a bench level with open toe
Capture bar الزجزاج and palm of the hand to the outside and higher
Drape and extending the elbow joint regularly